
Fondation course
On this highly practical course participants experience a gentle, fun three days of specially designed educational exercises and interactions in a relaxed atmosphere of trust. This powerful process helps them see and understand subconscious behaviour patterns that can make life unnecessarily stressful. Participants gain surprising insights into themselves and others. They learn new tools they can apply in their every day lives, the ability to let go of what limits them and to express themselves openly.
Relationship course
This course offers a valuable opportunity to build better relationships with our partners, families, friends, colleagues and, ultimately with ourselves. Through powerful exercises and interactions participants explore who we are in our relationships. What are our emotional triggers? How do we give and how do we receive? Do we always express ourselves in the best way? If not, what is blocking us and how can we do things better?
Advance course
While the Essence Process Foundation course supports you to empower yourself by identifying and understanding your limiting beliefs, the Advance course takes this to a much deeper level. On this course you have the opportunity to actually experience life without these limitations. In five intensive days you will build new positive beliefs and behaviour patterns that enrich your life and give you the confidence to achieve whatever you really want in life, with nothing holding you back.
Leadership course
The Leadership course runs over a three month period and because of its intensive nature it only takes place once every three years. It contains leading edge, challenging, and incredibly rewarding material. Participants take part in many activities both inside and outside of the seminar room, experiencing real leadership – by themselves and their fellow participants. It enables us to discover our true purpose and prove we can achieve it. The rewards are life changing, as many participants can testify.
Business course
The business course examines leadership and behaviour from the inside out and uses exercises that mirror day-to-day interpersonal interaction in the work place, highlighting how the way that people see the world can stop them from being effective leaders.
Other events
The Essence Process organises many events, such as special retreats, talks, social evenings and other public appearances by Dr Yousry.
Milena Yotova
International Course Calendar
Foundation course
07 – 09 Feb
07 – 09 Feb | Brasov | Romania
Advance course
12 – 16 Feb 2025
12 – 16 Feb | Cluj-Napoca | Romania
Essence Leadership
02 – 12 April
02 – 12 April | South Coreea & Vietnam
Essence Retreat 14 – 19 Apr | 2025
14 – 19 Apr | Vietnam